Thursday, January 29, 2009

Small is Beautiful

On Saturday, Jan. 25th I (nate) took a few minutes to read the classic devotional called “Our Daily Bread.” The Bible passage was John 6:53-71 where it talks about some of Jesus’ difficult teachings and then tells about how many of his followers deserted him afterwards. The title of that day’s devotional was “Small is Beautiful” and it posed the question: “Why do we think that God’s call is necessarily upwardly mobile? Why wouldn’t he send His best workers to labor for a lifetime in some small place?”

A whole host of thoughts went running through my head at this point. Where we are right now –Kremmling, Colorado—is a small place. It’s also not exactly where Rachelle and I envisioned being at this point in our lives. We thought we’d been called to the Jungle and a ministry among the Waorani and were willing to stay there as missionaries for a long time.

When Rachelle got sick and was unable to continue living overseas we realized God had different plans. There are many times we have grieved the loss of this ministry and I think we have even felt second class for no longer being able to be jungle missionaries. We definitely were both challenged and fulfilled in our jobs and lives down there. But this little devotional made me think about the fact that this change in venue isn’t necessarily a demotion. I pray I can remain faithful in this small place we are at.

I really like the idea that God’s call isn’t always upwardly mobile. It is so counter-culture in our bigger-is-better lives in the US. A demotion in the world’s eyes can easily bring you to a place where God can use you. It may be right where he wants you. I really hope Rachelle and I are still living in that place.


Janine said...

I'm so glad to see you back blogging. Thanks for sharing this devotional. Even here in Asia doing a "small" thing, I need that reminder.

wepukhulu said...

It's not the size of the task, it's the size of the task-giver. Get your significance in Him because it's that mustard seed-sized faith in Him that moves mountains.

we pray for you guys often.