Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Water Lady

Thursday Feb. 11

I realized I didn’t know her name-- yet. The water lady. The young woman who must clean and take care of Theovision’s headquarters in some way has also been helping our group by stocking our water every morning and then several times a day and cleaning out coolers every afternoon after we leave. She has swept the area under our palm tree break station and provides a cardboard box for our trash. She is one of so many servants that make or break a trip like this. She is quiet and unassuming and has a beautiful smile, tirelessly providing something that everyone would howl about quickly if it wasn’t there—water and cold drinks. Edit: later I found out her name was Esther.

Later in the day I climbed to the third story of the Theovision building to get an overview photo of the construction from the balcony. Charles, a Theovision employee, was up there as well simply looking. As I came up beside him he revealed that Theovision workers were taking turns during theri day for a coordinated, all day prayer effort for our team. Again, it is the servants. God may I be your servant as well.

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