Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beautiful Patterns

Ellel Medical Center in Saonre´ (half hour outside of Ouagadougou)

We have seen a lot of women and babies here at the ACTS Burkina medical center named Ellel. Nearby is a church under construction and an active school.

The beauty of the colors and patterns the Burkinabe women wear is striking and captivating. Sheila pointed out that if white women tried to wear the same things they would look schizophrenic or ragged. But these women manage to look elegant and dignified.

As I write I see a blue and orange flower pattern, yellow wheels on a blue background, pink and green prints, a purple green and blue print, orange, lime green and purple with a blue background. Simply amazing colors and patterns.

Many of the women today have been wearing covering over their heads indicating their Muslim beliefs. Our interpreter, Rachel, said that when her mother became a Christian she needed to leave home and live with her pastor’s family.

She was told by her mother that she wouldn't be able to have children. However, praise God, she ended up with 11 kids, one of whom interpreted for us here for the last few days.

Doctors Sanchez and Leon examined 67 patients at the clinic this morning. The word from the team in Ghana is that all is going well there also.

We plan to reunite tomorrow (11-27).

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