Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Richness of Africa

At one point today, amidst the seemingly endless line of patients to examine, Dr. Dora Leon said to Sheila Leech, “The richness of Africa is in its people.”

It was the first day in a new village called Tangsega. Our partners have told us it is not far from Toeghin but we took a very different route that brought us past rice fields and slightly more greenery. We also spent more time on a main road so our commute was slightly quicker.

As far as first days go, our setup was quick and fairly efficient and the doctors were seeing patients before I even realized it. At the end of the day we saw 106 people and were able to pull out at a decent hour.

Guest Blogger: Emily Martin

After having been in Burkina for the past week, I was beginning to wonder when the beating of drums and beautiful dance of the people would be seen.

Today was my answer. While filling a prescription in our school room pharmacy, I heard off in the distance the sound of a djembe drum. A group of young girls was under the shade of a large tree at midday, dancing and drumming while the younger kids watched.

Being able to take time away from the work and watch these beautiful people celebrate their lives reminded me of why Africa is seeded so deeply in my heart. Their intricate moves and rhythm all have meaning, telling a story from the history of their people.

Nowhere else in the world would I rather be than in the bush.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Enjoying all your posts!